
Fuller Ditches Heroes, Bricken Death-by-Booze Clock Moved to 11:57PM


If you watched the last season of Heroes, either with TR’s live-blog or alone, clutching a gin bottle to your chest and sobbing hysterically, you know that it sucked horrendous ass. No character made any sense, motivations changed randomly episode to episode, almost none of the plot mattered, and the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons showed up for one memorably mind-shatteringly awful episode. The only thing that got most of us through it is that Bryan Fuller — who worked on Heroes‘ excellent first season and created the fantastic Pushing Daisies — was coming back for season 4 (he only advised on the latter part of season 3, which is why it still sucked, although he did write one genuinely awesome episode).

Now, Fuller has left. Apparently it’s not because of disagreements with Heroes creator Tim Kring, but because he wants to work on other shows that aren’t fucking terrible, such as Heroes. AND WE. ARE ALL. FUCKED. (Via EW)