
Warren the Ape Has Excellent Taste

Let me break this down for you. I liked he old Greg the Bunny show, and I currently like its spin-off on MTV, Warren the Ape. Dan Milano is the co-creator of Greg the Bunny and Warren the Ape, and he likes Topless Robot (he told me so in an email!). So here I am, shamelessly pimping out Warren, which airs at 10:30 pm EST Mondays, but is also available to view online here, along with many other bonus videos.

Why am I doing this? Many reasons. One, I always enjoy Puppets Behaving Badly. Two, I feel a certain kinship with any monkey who abuses alcohol on a regular basis. Three, there’s these fantastic videos of Warren’s ’70s-style action flick “Bad Po Fo” and him attending a disturbing recreation of about half the D&D games I’ve ever been a part of. Four, Dan Milano asked me really, really nice, and he condescended to fawn all over TR, when he’s a Hollywood big-shot and I’m just a fat nerd writing bullshit on the internet. Last, and by no means least, every minute that Warren the Ape is on MTV is a moment that The Hills and Jersey Shore are not on, which I think we all can agree is A Good Thing. You know what the right thing to do is. So do it.