
Okay, Even I Don’t Want That Much Tron: Legacy


?You’re looking at the absolutely absurd 5-disc special edition Tron: Legacy set. Ignore the Identity Disc collectible packaging (because it’s too small and it doesn’t have a space in the middle, so it’s like a really shitty Identity Disc, you’re better off getting one of the toys) and just look at what this fucking monster contains:

? Tron: Legacy 3-D
? Tron: Legacy on Blu-ray
? Tron: Legacy on DVD
? Tron: Legacy on digital copy
? Tron, the original one

Now, this might seem obvious, but bear with me. That breaks down into:

? Tron: Legacy
? Tron: Legacy
? Tron: Legacy
? Tron: Legacy
? Tron, the original one

THAT’S FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Who needs four copies of Tron: Legacy? Not me, and I spent the entire movie touching myself. Look, if you have a 3-D TV, you’re gonna watch the 3-D version — you ain’t popping in the DVD version, ever. Why would you? I guess a Digital Copy kind of makes sense, in case you go on a trip with an iPad or something, but if you buy this thing, you’re still getting two completely useless versions of Tron: Legacy. Bleh. (Via Coming Soon)