
Heartbreakingly Awesome Calvin and Hobbes Cartoon that Won’t Happen

Ugly Americans animator Adam Brown made this test footage, dreaming of a show that likely can never be, due in part to Calvin creator Bill Watterson’s resolve never to sell out, but also his doubt that any voice for Calvin could possibly be the equal of the one in the reader’s head. (Ain’t that the truth; I remember how long it took me to adjust to Lorenzo Music’s Garfield.) I think The Boondocks probably made the best transition to cartoons, but it should be duly noted that doing so killed off the comic strip in the process. And incidentally, the Uncle Ruckus movie didn’t get funded.

I understand Watterson’s desire for purity, but would we be better off with a few items of high-quality merchandise…or endless knockoff designs of the lead character urinating?

Don’t answer all at once.

via Gawker