
Battlestar Galactica 1978: The Special Edition?


Remember when classic Star Trek got a special-effects makeover? Unlike George Lucas revisionism, the original series saw re-release with an option to add CG-remastered effects, or simply show the originals.

There hasn’t really been a clamor one way or another on Battlestar Galactica, a show for which the consensus seems to be that the reboot is way better, and the original is bad; something I will heartily dispute, as the original pilot has a lot of fully developed characters and a decent Twilight Zone-ish morality tale at its heart against the backdrop of a war for survival.

But anyway, special effects artist Adam ‘Mojo’ Lebowitz has updated some classic sequences with modern CGI, and the result is a blend so seamless I can’t tell what’s new (granted, it has been a while, and in Ireland, season premieres were released theatrically as movies – yes, even the 1980 one). I don’t find the adjustments to be in any way blasphemous…but see if you do.

via Nerdist