
Geek Throat Returns with a Tiny Wolverine Movie Spoiler

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It’s quite tiny, but you still have to hit the jump. I assume at least one person reading TR is heavily emotionally invested in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and doesn’t want to be spoiled.

Okay. Remember how, at the end of film, Professor X was supposed to mentally lead Cyclops and Emma Frost and a gaggle of others mutants out of the Weapon X headquarters but it wasn’t going to be Patrick Stewart?

Now it is. Apparently Stewart will have his head CG’ed onto the actor’s body (since that filming has long since been done) and he’ll be “Benjamin Button’ed” to look the appropriate age, much like he did at the beginning of X-Men 3. So this is good news, although it doesn’t even come close to making up for the Deadpool Debacle.

Oh, also — I’m no April Fool’s Day fan, because I’m incredibly gullible. This is no joke, nor will anything I post today be fake (unless I get sucked by somebody else, which is entirely possible). And Geek Throat mailed me this yesterday, so I have no doubt as to its accuracy.