
Battlestar Galactica’s Deliriously Happy Ending

BEFORE YOU HIT PLAY–you should know this preview for the second part of Battlestar Galactica’s final fourth season seems quite spoiler-y, so you might want to just walk away if you want to be surprised when the show starts up on January 16th. I can happily sum it up for you, if you don’t want to see it. Basically, both the humans and Cylons live happily ever after, no one plots against anyone else, no one gets executed, no one starts that creepy talk about children have to kill their parents to grow, and then Starbuck and Six ride unicorns to the magic gumdrop kingdom, where they eat rainbows and crap sunshine all day while butterflies sing “Feelin’ Groovy.” What the fuck you think happens? Thanks to Sean T. Collins for the tip.