Cartoon Trifecta: Avengers, Tron, Futurama
? Not only has Disney announced that the Avengers cartoon will finally premiere on Disney XD this fall, there’s a new promo for it. I really love the Avengers, so of course I’m going to be difficult to please, but I think I liked it overall (as long as there’s little or no narration in the series). I’m a bit confused why Wasp looks like an anime girl when no one else does, but I think the character designs are better than the promo art had led me to believe. At the very least, Kang! Fucking Kang! (Via io9)
? Now there are going to be two animated Tron shows — one debuting in the fall, and one debuting after the movie hits in December. The first will be a 10-part cartoon micro-series, geared for younger kids, and the latter one will be CG and targeted for an older audience. For now. (Via THR)
? GOOD NEWS, EVERYBODY — The first new Futurama episode premieres on Comedy Central on June 24th at 10pm. I believe the words you’re looking for are “fuck” and “yes” (Via Hitfix)