10 Minutes Behind-the-Scenes (And In-Front-of-Scenes) of Game of Thrones
Sorry, I had to wipe my drool off my keyboard. I started salivating about 30 seconds into this 10-minute look at HBO’s Game of Thrones, which meant a full 9 minutes, 30 seconds of saliva dripping onto my laptop. I don’t think you can blame me; I mean, while this is technically a behind-the-scenes/making-of, there’s so much new footage of the show and the sets and the characters that I highly recommend putting a towel or maybe some saran wrap down first before you hit play.
Seriously, the fact that HBO is doing this show still astonishes me, because they’re probably the only ones who would film every part of the books, as well as have high enough production values that it doesn’t look like… well, Legend of the Seeker or something. I’m ready to call this a genuine Nerd Miracle, people. I still can’t believe it’s happening.