
TR Contest: Ill-Advised Cartoon Spin-Offs

This week’s contest was inspired by Monday’s 8 Movies That Inexplicably Got Cartoon Spin-offs Daily List by Jon Gutierrez. When referring to the many, many cartoons made out of R-rated movie franchises back in the day, he imagined a few more: a Taxi Driver cartoon, where “Travis and Iris travel the world in their magical cab,” as well as a one where Silence of the Lambs’ “Hannibal Lector, Clarice Starling and a talking lamb solve mysteries.”

Those won’t be easy to top, but that’s this weekend’s contest: Make up the least appropriate, most insane cartoon spin-off possible. Now, it doesn’t have to be a movie franchise — it can be a TV series or a videogame or a comic (as the wonderful Saturday Morning Watchmen video above demonstrates) or whatever. It can even be a specific character from something (continuing the Watchmen theme, something like “Lil’ Rorschach Adventures”), but it has to be a spin-off of something. Past that, you can imagine whatever. Adding cute and/or talking sidekicks/animals/animal sidekicks to the mix will likely you net bonus points. And like the cartoons of yore, feel free to add on a totally bizarre premise, like they’re robots, or babies, or in space, or whatever.

All you need to do is list the title and describe the premise, maybe who the main bad guy is if there is one, what the wacky sidekick is, etc.. I consider Jon’s examples above to be perfectly sized; there’s no need to go more than 100 words, definitely. One entry per person, and the contest ends at 12:01 am EST on Monday, February 28th, 2011. You guy’s have a good weekend, and remember, please get your sentient red wolf beings spayed or neutered. You seriously don’t want to deal with the alternative.