
Impressive Acts of Nerdery Trifecta

? Things I Like #3: Awesome nerds creating awesome things. Nerds like Arthur Sacek, who built this 3-D milling machine entirely out of Legos and a single drill bit. It’s not particularly fast, but since the only thing I ever built with Legos were death cars I would race at the kitchen wall at top speed, I’m not going to criticize. And there’s more after the jump! (Via Geeks Are Sexy)

? Perhaps even more impressive is 13-year-old Aidan Dwyer, who created a solar device significantly more efficient than normal photovoltiac panels. The full awesome story is here, but the short version is this — Dwyer realized that most trees create branches and leaves in a Fibonacchi sequence; by applying the same formula to his own “solar tree,” Aidan was able to get 20-50% more power than regular solar panels when they’re arranged uniformly. This, seriously, blows me away with its awesomeness. Thanks to George B. for the tip.


? And last but certainly not least is this picture titled “Where’s Wall-E,” by Richard Sargent (click to embiggen). I don’t know the answer, but I know he better show up soon, because Bender is macking pretty heavily on Eve. Thanks to everyone who sent this in. FYI, before I got the other tips and made this a trifecta and was only going to run this pic, you know what my article title would have been? “Tops of Robots.”