About Two Seconds of Avengers Footage
I admit, two seconds is not a lot. And really, although I call it ” footage” the shots pass by so quickly they might as well be still images (hell, they might be actual still images). Also, if you look at the stills of the “footage” over at The Mary Sue, they’re just a bunch of pics of the heroes standing by themselves. Really, none of it is even close to essential.
So why am I showing this preview for the Captain America DVD? Because I’m so goddamn excited about the Avengers movie I’m genuinely interested in two shitty seconds of non-revealing footage (it’s at 1:51); but it also shows a bit more of that Agent Coulson short I mentioned the other day, including Coulson taking care of business (beginning at 1:33). Plus, the Captain America behind-the-scenes stuff is pretty neat, and reminds me how much I liked the movie. So I ran this video for plenty of reasons. Good reasons, too. Don’t judge me.