
TR Contest Special: Geek Wisdom, Sponsored by Geek Wisdom


?Remember when I did that book review of Geek Wisdom, an examination of super-popular nerdy quotes and how they might relate to a life philosophy? Well, Quirk accidentally sent me two copies, so I had an idea — let me give them both away. And then I thought, well, since I have the books here, I might as well give away some TR shirts, too. So this weekend’s contest: Two winners will receive a TR shirt and a copy of Geek Wisdom!

For the contest, I want you to do the same thing the book does — take a quote from a nerdy book, movie, TV show or whatever — and than explain how it can be applied to our lives, whether to improve them, be better people, or just expand our perception of reality. Basically, I just want you to make a lot of smart-sounding philosophical shit up about famous nerdy quotes. By the way, if you need examples of what I’m talking about, head to Geek Wisdom‘s Amazon page, click the book cover where it says “Look Inside!” (like it does here) and flip forward to page 16 on.

Bonus points will be given for choosing more difficult quotes (i.e., picking already philosphical lines like “Do or do not, there is no try” is less impressive than trying to make up some deep meaning out of “See this? This… is my BOOMstick.”). Bonus points will also be given for actually making good, cogent arguments — meaning making up shit is fine, but if you actually have a clever, useful interpretation of a quote, it’s better. Also: Don’t forget to list the quote and where it’s from. There’s a chance I might not know it, after all.

Two entries per person — I want you guys to actually think about these a little. I’m sure some of you will be tempted to write massive essays; you can, but you always run the risk of me ignoring it because it’s too much text. So write large entries at your own risk. The contest ends at 12:01 am EST on Monday, September 19th. Don’t forget about tonight’s cartoons, and remember, my Star Wars Blu-ray review FAQ (oh indeed, it’ll be an FAQ) will be up on Monday. Have a great weekend, and for god’s sake, take a shower. You know why.