Rifftrax: Some Movies (and Videogames) Have It Coming
I don’t know how this snuck past me, given my terrifying obsession with all things Mystery Science Theater, but Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of the Rifftrax crew took a look at some well-known videogame cutscenes from Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 4, that Sonic game with the schoolgirl, and an episode of the Mega Man cartoon early this week. The results are divine. If I could pay them to do this sort of thing regularly, I’d seriously just transfer my biweekly paycheck over to them, and live like a hobo next to some place with free wifi so I could watch it. IT WOULD BE TOTALLY WORTH IT, DAMMIT. (Via Joystiq)
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About The Author
Robert Bricken is one of the original co-founders of the site formerly known as Topless Robot, and its first editor-in-chief, serving from 2008-12. He brought the site to prominence with “nerd news, humor and self-loathing” as its motto, raising it from total internet obscurity to a readership in the millions, with help from his savage “FAQ” movie reviews and Fan Fiction Fridays. Under his tenure Topless Robot was covered by Gawker, Wired, Defamer, New York magazine, ABC News, and others, and his articles have been praised by Roger Ebert, Avengers actor Clark Gregg, comedian and The Daily Show correspondent John Hodgman, the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax, and others. He is currently the managing editor of io9.com. Despite decades as both an amateur and professional nerd, he continues to be completely unprepared for either the zombie apocalypse or the robot uprising.