
Overnight/Weekend Open Thread – I Just Wanna McFly

One of many nerdy slot machines from last week’s Vegas trip…


Before I get to the last-minute desk-clearing items, a guideline: I have been fishing several weekend comments out of the spam filter, so here’s a heads up. If you only post a link, or a YouTube, with no commentary, and you do this multiple times, there is a better than average chance Livefyre will read that as spam. I will rescue everything I see, but I’m not on 24/7. Now you know. Here are some links:

-I almost never post about basketball, but this full-court 3D image-mapping is too cool not to share.

-When your plastic bags are in shreds, you have Bane cat’s permission to meow.

-A Blackout is coming to Agents of SHIELD. No, not that kind – the show remains on the air.

Taco Bell Crunchwrap pajamas are fun, but if you want them, it’s already too late.

Every WrestleMania match ever, ranked in order from 1-287.

-A guy I never heard of before will play Miles Dyson’s kid in the new Terminator trilogy.

-Hardee’s X-Men commercial implies women have to dumb themselves into men before they’ll eat huge slabs of unhealthy crap. (I think they mean it the other way, but whatever.)

Carmageddon ruins a childhood favorite song, much to the delight of parents who are sick of it.

-The spirit of Wesley Willis lives, and loves Sonic the Hedgehog.

-Adding virtual arms to the Oculus Rift.

Suspended animation isn’t just a jokey term for cancelled Pixar movies any more.

h/t to Gallen_Dugall and SlyDante777 for some of the above.